The contribution presented herein proposes an adaptive genetic algorithm applied to quantum logic circuit synthesis that, dynamically adjusts its control parameters. The adaptation...
Cristian Ruican, Mihai Udrescu, Lucian Prodan, Mir...
Computational depth estimation is a central task in computer vision and graphics. A large variety of strategies have been introduced in the past relying on viewpoint variations, de...
One common characterization of how simple hill-climbing optimization methods can fail is that they become trapped in local optima - a state where no small modi cation of the curren...
The routing architecture of an FPGA consists of the length of the wires, the type of switch used to connect wires (buffered, unbuffered, fast or slow) and the topology of the inte...
Abstract. If the genetic maps of two species are modelled as permutations of (homologous) genes, the number of chromosomal rearrangements in the form of deletions, block moves, inv...