: Motivated by the problem of out-of-shelf (OOS) in retail industry and the emergence of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, this paper investigates the impact that t...
A perfect hash function (PHF) is an injective function that maps keys from a set S to unique values, which are in turn used to index a hash table. Since no collisions occur, each k...
Fabiano C. Botelho, Hendrickson R. Langbehn, Guilh...
For the evaluation of ad hoc network protocols, researchers traditionally use simulations because they easily allow for a large number of nodes and reproducible environment condit...
Elmar Schoch, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl, Michael ...
In the effort to understand the algorithmic limitations of computing by a swarm of robots, the research has focused on the minimal capabilities that allow a problem to be solved. ...
Paola Flocchini, David Ilcinkas, Andrzej Pelc, Nic...
We introduce a new feature size for bounded domains in the plane endowed with an intrinsic metric. Given a point x in a domain X, the homotopy feature size of X at x measures half...
Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas, Steve Oudot, Yue Wang