Dynamic software bug detection tools are commonly used because they leverage run-time information. However, they suffer from a fundamental limitation, the Path Coverage Problem: t...
We present CESE, a tool that combines exhaustive enumeration of test inputs from a structured domain with symbolic execution driven test generation. We target programs whose valid...
We present a technique that improves random test generation by incorporating feedback obtained from executing test inputs as they are created. Our technique builds inputs incremen...
Carlos Pacheco, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Michael D. Ern...
Simulation-based validation of the current industrial processors typically use huge number of test programs generated at instruction set architecture (ISA) level. However, archite...
In black-box testing, one is interested in creating a suite of tests from requirements that adequately exercise the behavior of a software system without regard to the internal st...
Michael W. Whalen, Ajitha Rajan, Mats Per Erik Hei...