— Video streaming on mobile devices such as PDA’s, laptop PCs, pocket PCs and cell phones is becoming increasingly popular. These mobile devices are typically constrained by th...
Piyush Parate, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Suchendra M. B...
The design and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has now evolved beyond its workplace origins to the wider public, expanding to people who live at the margins ...
Christopher A. Le Dantec, Jim Christensen, Mark Ba...
Sensor-enabled smartphones are opening a new frontier in the development of mobile sensing applications. The recognition of human activities and context from sensor-data using cla...
Nicholas D. Lane, Ye Xu, Hong Lu, Shaohan Hu, Tanz...
The Web is rapidly moving towards a platform for mass collaboration in content production and consumption from three screens: computers, mobile phones, and TVs. While there has be...
Yih-Farn Chen, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, David C. Gib...
We investigate how people adapt their strategy for interleaving multiple concurrent tasks to varying objectives. A study was conducted in which participants drove a simulated vehi...