A newly designed game is introduced, which feels like Backgammon, but has a simplified rule set. Unlike earlier attempts at simplifying the game, Nannon maintains enough features a...
In this paper, we aim to design decision-making mechanisms for an autonomous robot equipped with simple sensors, which integrates over time its perceptual experience in order to in...
In the paper we recover a Hammerstein system nonlinearity. Hammerstein systems, incorporating nonlinearity and dynamics, play an important role in various applications, and e¤ecti...
Zygmunt Hasiewicz, Grzegorz Mzyk, Przemyslaw Sliwi...
— Interested in Evolutionary Robotics, this paper focuses on the acquisition and exploitation of memory skills. The targeted task is a well-studied benchmark problem, the Tolman ...
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a fundamental process by which organisms learn to achieve a goal from interactions with the environment. Using Artificial Life techniques we derive ...
Yael Niv, Daphna Joel, Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Rupp...