In SMT processors, the complex interplay between private and shared datapath resources needs to be considered in order to realize the full performance potential. In this paper, we...
Today’s business processes are not static, they need to be adapted frequently to reflect changing business requirements. Several business process languages such as WS-BPEL have...
Florian Rosenberg, Christoph Nagl, Schahram Dustda...
We present and evaluate the idea of adaptive processor cache management. Specifically, we describe a novel and general scheme by which we can combine any two cache management alg...
Ranjith Subramanian, Yannis Smaragdakis, Gabriel H...
The Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS) was initiated by the Moscow ACM SIGMOD chapter, and started in 1993 as a mainly Russian national event. Sinc...
We introduce the logical story behind file input in ACL2 and discuss the types of theorems that can be proven about filereading operations. We develop a low level library for re...