Chip multiprocessors with multiple simpler cores are gaining popularity because they have the potential to drive future performance gains without exacerbating the problems of powe...
Hongtao Zhong, Steven A. Lieberman, Scott A. Mahlk...
Recent works on modeling the Internet topology [8, 9] have highlighted how the complexity of relationships between Autonomous Systems (ASes) can not be oversimplified without sac...
Andrea Di Menna, Tiziana Refice, Luca Cittadini, G...
It has been theoretically shown that performing coding in networked systems, including Reed-Solomon codes, fountain codes, and random network coding, has a clear advantage with re...
Abstract— While the most accurate solution to off-line structure from motion (SFM) problems is undoubtedly to extract as much correspondence information as possible and perform g...
Hauke Strasdat, J. M. M. Montiel, Andrew J. Daviso...
GRID technology, emerging in the late nineties, has evolved from a metacomputing architecture towards a pervasive computation and information utility. However, the architectural de...