Images are highly complex multidimensional signals, with rich and complicated information content. For this reason they are difficult to analyze through a unique automated approach...
We present the case study of a complex, mixed-initiative scheduling system to illustrate Work-Centered Design (WCD), a new approach for the design of information systems. WCD is b...
Keith A. Butler, Jiajie Zhang, Chris Esposito, Ali...
In-vehicle navigation has changed substantially in recent years, due to the advent of computer generated maps and directions. However, these maps are still problematic, due to a m...
A conceptually appealing approach to supporting a broad range of workloads is a system comprising many small cores that can be fused, on demand, into larger cores. We demonstrate ...
As silicon technologies move into the nanometer regime, transistor reliability is expected to wane as devices become subject to extreme process variation, particle-induced transie...
Kypros Constantinides, Stephen Plaza, Jason A. Blo...