Improvements in semiconductor technology now enable Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). As many future computer systems will use one or more CMPs and support shared memory, such systems ...
Michael R. Marty, Jesse D. Bingham, Mark D. Hill, ...
Communication is becoming one of the central elements in software development. As a potential typed foundation for structured communication-centred programming, session types have...
Self-adjusting computation enables writing programs that can automatically and efficiently respond to changes to their data (e.g., inputs). The idea behind the approach is to stor...
The TCP/IP protocols and Sockets API underlie much of modern computation, but their semantics have historically been very complex and ill-defined. The real standard is the de fact...
Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, Michael Norrish, ...
Embedded code pointers (ECPs) are stored handles of functions and continuations commonly seen in low-level binaries as well as functional or higher-order programs. ECPs are known ...