Modern embedded systems often require high degrees of instruction-level parallelism (ILP) within strict constraints on power consumption and chip cost. Unfortunately, a high-perfo...
— A number of large-scale distributed Internet applications could potentially benefit from some level of knowledge about the relative proximity between its participating host no...
Sylvia Ratnasamy, Mark Handley, Richard M. Karp, S...
We designed and built the Gates Hillman Prediction Market (GHPM) to predict the opening day of the Gates and Hillman Centers, the new computer science buildings at Carnegie Mellon...
Constraining and input biasing are frequently used techniques in functional verification methodologies based on randomized simulation generation. Constraints confine the simulatio...
Jun Yuan, Kurt Shultz, Carl Pixley, Hillel Miller,...
Multi-FPGA systems (MFSs) are used as custom computing machines, logic emulators and rapid prototyping vehicles. A key aspect of these systems is their programmable routing archit...