—This paper presents the development and implementation of a multiprocessor system-on-chip solution for fast and real time simulations of complex and nonlinear wheel-rail contact...
In multiprocessor systems, the traffic on the bus does not solely originate from data transfers due to data dependencies between tasks, but is also affected by memory transfers a...
Jakob Rosen, Alexandru Andrei, Petru Eles, Zebo Pe...
Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis and, in general, the predictability of real-time applications implemented on multiprocessor systems has been addressed only in very restri...
Alexandru Andrei, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Jakob Ros...
This paper presents the implementation of a dualpriority scheduling algorithm for real-time embedded systems on a shared memory multiprocessor on FPGA. The dual-priority microkern...
Antonino Tumeo, Marco Branca, Lorenzo Camerini, Ma...
This paper provides two contributions to the study of programming languages and middleware for real-time and embedded applications. First, we present the empirical results from ap...