Until very recently, microprocessor designs were computation-centric. On-chip communication was frequently ignored. This was because of fast, single-cycle on-chip communication. T...
A major challenge of the anti-virus (AV) industry is how to effectively process the huge influx of malware samples they receive every day. One possible solution to this problem i...
— A packet generator and network traffic capture system has been implemented on the NetFPGA. The NetFPGA is an open networking platform accelerator that enables rapid developmen...
G. Adam Covington, Glen Gibb, John W. Lockwood, Ni...
: This paper presents an approach to model ontologies for the e-Government domain as a basis for an integrated e-Government environment. Over the last couple of years the applicati...
Modern compilers implement a large number of optimizations which all interact in complex ways, and which all have a different impact on code quality, compilation time, code size,...