Simulation-based microarchitecture research is often hindered by the slow speed of simulators. In this work, we propose a novel statistical technique to identify highly representa...
Attacking bottlenecks in modern processors is difficult because many microarchitectural events overlap with each other. This parallelism makes it difficult to both (a) assign a ...
NBTI is one of the most important silicon reliability problems facing processor designers today. The impact of NBTI can be mitigated at both the circuit and microarchitecture leve...
Most of the recent work on Web security focuses on preventing attacks that directly harm the browser's host machine and user. In this paper we attempt to quantify the threat ...
V. T. Lam, Spyros Antonatos, Periklis Akritidis, K...
Register allocation decides which parts of a variable's live range are held in registers and which in memory. The compiler inserts spill code to move the values of variables b...