The collection and transcription of speech data is typically an expensive and time-consuming task. Voice over IP and cloud computing are poised to greatly reduce this impediment t...
Ian McGraw, Chia-ying Lee, I. Lee Hetherington, St...
The High Level Architecture (HLA) for distributed simulations was proposed by the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office of the Department of Defense (DOD) in order to support int...
Thom McLean, Leo Mark, Margaret L. Loper, David Ro...
Philosophy, artificial intelligence and cognitive science have long been dominated by the presupposition that intelligence is fundamentally individual. Recent work in cognitive sci...
In this paper we present a novel platform for underwater sensor networks to be used for long-term monitoring of coral reefs and fisheries. The sensor network consists of static a...
Iuliu Vasilescu, Keith Kotay, Daniela Rus, Matthew...