In this paper, we consider the problem of projective reconstruction based on the subspace method. Unlike existing subspace methods which require that all the points are visible in...
Supershape model is a recent primitive that represents numerous 3D shapes with several symmetry axes. The main interest of this model is its capability to reconstruct more complex...
Sophie Voisin, Mongi A. Abidi, Sebti Foufou, Fr&ea...
Tele-immersion is a new medium that enables a user to share a virtual space with remote participants, by creating the illusion that users at geographically dispersed locations resi...
Nikhil Kelshikar, Xenophon Zabulis, Jane Mulligan,...
This paper addresses the problem of reproducing oscillations generated by the well-known slugging phenomenon in multiphase flow. Reported investigations show how to determine the p...
Florent Di Meglio, Glenn-Ole Kaasa, Nicolas Petit,...
We describe an algorithmfor reconstructing a scene containing multiple moving objects. Given a monocular image sequence, we recover the scene structure, the trajectories of the mo...