Many techniques for increasing the amount of instruction-level parallelism (ILP) put increased pressure on the registers inside a CPU. These techniques allow for more operations t...
Jason Hiser, Steve Carr, Philip H. Sweany, Steven ...
Traditionally, software pipelining is applied either to the innermost loop of a given loop nest or from the innermost loop to the outer loops. In a companion paper, we proposed a ...
Hongbo Rong, Alban Douillet, Ramaswamy Govindaraja...
In high-level synthesis, pipelined designs are often restricted by the number of memory banks available to the synthesis system. Using multiple memory banks can improve the perfor...
In this paper we describe a design exploration methodology for clustered VLIW architectures. The central idea of this work is a set of three techniques aimed at reducing the cost ...
Marcio Buss, Rodolfo Azevedo, Paulo Centoducatte, ...