Performance and power consumption of an on-chip interconnect that forms the backbone of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), are directly influenced by the underlying network topology. Bo...
Reetuparna Das, Soumya Eachempati, Asit K. Mishra,...
We present an algorithm, Hierarchical ISOmetric SelfOrganizing Map (H-ISOSOM), for a concise, organized manifold representation of complex, non-linear, large scale, high-dimension...
Background: Protein-protein interactions play a key role in biological processes of proteins within a cell. Recent high-throughput techniques have generated protein-protein intera...
Stencil computation (SC) is of critical importance for broad scientific and engineering applications. However, it is a challenge to optimize complex, highorder SC on emerging clus...
Liu Peng, Richard Seymour, Ken-ichi Nomura, Rajiv ...
Background: Sequence motifs representing transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) are commonly encoded as position frequency matrices (PFM) or degenerate consensus sequences (CS)...