- As shown by previous studies, shorts between the interconnect wires should be considered as the predominant cause of failures in CMOS circuits. Fault models and tools for targeti...
Maksim Jenihhin, Jaan Raik, Raimund Ubar, Witold A...
Abstract. Mobile devices are increasingly being equipped with wireless peerto-peer (P2P) networking interfaces, rendering the sharing of data among mobile devices feasible and bene...
Zhiyong Huang, Christian S. Jensen, Hua Lu, Beng C...
The parametric maximum flow problem is an extension of the classical maximum flow problem in which the capacities of certain arcs are not fixed but are functions of a single par...
Maxim A. Babenko, Jonathan Derryberry, Andrew V. G...
We present a modular system for real-time 3D-scanning of human bodies under motion. The high-resolution shape and colour appearance is captured by several scanning units positione...
Fine-Grained Cycle Sharing (FGCS) systems aim at utilizing the large amount of computational resources available on the Internet. In FGCS, host computers allow guest jobs to utili...
Xiaojuan Ren, Seyong Lee, Rudolf Eigenmann, Saurab...