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107views more  BMCBI 2007»
13 years 6 months ago
antiCODE: a natural sense-antisense transcripts database
Background: Natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are endogenous RNA molecules that exhibit partial or complete complementarity to other RNAs, and that may contribute to the regula...
Yifei Yin, Yi Zhao, Jie Wang, Changning Liu, Shugu...
113views more  BMCBI 2006»
13 years 6 months ago
In silico discovery of human natural antisense transcripts
Background: Several high-throughput searches for ppotential natural antisense transcripts (NATs) have been performed recently, but most of the reports were focused on cis type. A ...
Yuan-Yuan Li, Lei Qin, Zong-Ming Guo, Lei Liu, Hao...
165views more  BMCBI 2007»
13 years 6 months ago
Ab initio identification of human microRNAs based on structure motifs
Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, non-coding RNA molecules that are directly involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. The mature miRNA sequence bind...
Markus Brameier, Carsten Wiuf
138views more  SIAMCOMP 2002»
13 years 6 months ago
Phase Change of Limit Laws in the Quicksort Recurrence under Varying Toll Functions
We characterize all limit laws of the quicksort type random variables defined recursively by Xn d = XIn + X n-1-In + Tn when the "toll function" Tn varies and satisfies ...
Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Ralph Neininger
13 years 1 months ago
PheMaDB: A solution for storage, retrieval, and analysis of high throughput phenotype data
Background: OmniLog™ phenotype microarrays (PMs) have the capability to measure and compare the growth responses of biological samples upon exposure to hundreds of growth condit...
Wenling E. Chang, Keri Sarver, Brandon W. Higgs, T...