Recent high-performance processors employ sophisticated techniques to overlap and simultaneously execute multiple computation and memory operations. Intuitively, these techniques ...
Anastassia Ailamaki, David J. DeWitt, Mark D. Hill...
Since software is playing an increasingly important role in systemon-chip, retargetable compilation has been an active research area in the last few years. However, the retargetti...
We describe a general-purpose processor architecture for accelerating public-key computations on server systems that demand high performance and flexibility to accommodate large n...
Hans Eberle, Nils Gura, Sheueling Chang Shantz, Vi...
Computer architecture research in academia and industry is heavily reliant on simulation studies. While microprocessor companies have the resources to develop highly detailed simu...
This paper targets at reducing the crosstalk noise closure time by filtering the set of false violations. We propose two approaches to reduce the pessimism in the crosstalk noise ...