Transient faults are single-shot hardware errors caused by high energy particles from space, manufacturing defects, overheating, and other sources. Such faults can be devastating f...
Software integrity and confidentiality play a central role in making embedded computer systems resilient to various malicious actions, such as software attacks; probing and tamper...
Austin Rogers, Milena Milenkovic, Aleksandar Milen...
People who review products on the web invest considerable time and energy in what they write. So why would someone write a review that restates earlier reviews? Our work looks to ...
In this paper we predict the relevance of images based on a lowdimensional feature space found using several users’ eye movements. Each user is given an image-based search task,...
Zakria Hussain, Kitsuchart Pasupa, John Shawe-Tayl...
Hardware implementation of all the basic radix-10 arithmetic operations is evolving as a new trend in the design and implementation of general purpose digital processors. Redundan...