Over the last decade, the availability of public image repositories and recognition benchmarks has enabled rapid progress in visual object category and instance detection. Today we...
Kevin Lai, Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren and Dieter Fox
Abstract-- This paper presents a method to associate meanings to words in manipulation tasks. We base our model on an affordance network, i.e., a mapping between robot actions, rob...
Tangible Augmented Reality (AR) systems imbue physical objects with the ability to act and respond in new ways. In particular, physical objects and gestures made with them gain me...
This paper describes an experiment investigating for the first time, the perceptual tolerance of inconsistent projections when rotated billboards are transformed and included in a...
Computer-based geometry systems have been widely used for teaching and learning, but largely based on mouse-andkeyboard interaction, these systems usually require users to draw fi...