We present a novel, generic framework and algorithm for hierarchical collision detection, which allows an application to balance speed and quality of the collision detection. We p...
We develop a network of distributed mobile sensor systems as a solution to the emergency response problem. The mobile sensors are inside a building and they form a connected ad-ho...
George Kantor, Sanjiv Singh, Ronald A. Peterson, D...
Kinesthetic feedback is a key mechanism by which people perceive object properties during their daily tasks – particularly inertial properties. For example, transporting a glass...
We use the performance of the Bayesian ideal observer as a figure of merit for hardware optimization because this observer makes optimal use of signal-detection information. Due t...
Subok Park, Matthew A. Kupinski, Eric Clarkson, Ha...
—Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) exploit task-level parallelism to achieve high computation throughput, but concurrent memory accesses from multiple PEs may cause memory...