e Abstraction Arie Gurfinkel1 , Ou Wei2 , and Marsha Chechik2 1 Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto A...
To keep a network of enterprises sustainable, inter-organizational control measures are needed to detect or prevent opportunistic behaviour of network participants. We present a m...
Vera Kartseva, Joris Hulstijn, Jaap Gordijn, Yao-H...
rexample Guided Abstraction-Refinement Framework for Markov Decision Processes ROHIT CHADHA and MAHESH VISWANATHAN Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champ...
LOFAR is the first of a new generation of radio telescopes, that combines the signals from many thousands of simple, fixed antennas, rather than from expensive dishes. Its revol...
John W. Romein, P. Chris Broekema, Ellen van Meije...
: In Zukunft wird es verstärkt notwendig sein, sicherheitskritische Systeme statt in Ada in der Programmiersprache C zu implementieren. Die Verwendung von C ist getrieben vom Mang...