Network, web, and disk I/O traffic are usually bursty, self-similar [9, 3, 5, 6] and therefore can not be modeled adequately with Poisson arrivals[9]. However, we do want to model...
Mengzhi Wang, Ngai Hang Chan, Spiros Papadimitriou...
Compressed sensing, an emerging multidisciplinary field involving mathematics, probability, optimization, and signal processing, focuses on reconstructing an unknown signal from a...
Shiqian Ma, Wotao Yin, Yin Zhang, Amit Chakraborty
This paper presents a method to deal the dynamic stability for a mobile manipulator. Although the system has static stability, manipulation on the moving base or mobile locomotion...
Jinhyun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm, Beom He...
—Large scale production grids are an important case for autonomic computing. They follow a mutualization paradigm: decision-making (human or automatic) is distributed and largely...
— In today’s VLSI designs, there can be many blockages in a routing region. The obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (OARSMT) problem has become an important prob...