The problem of disk declustering is to distribute data among multiple disks to reduce query response times through parallel I/O. A strictly optimal declustering technique is one t...
Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Aravind Ramachandran, Ali S...
Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) substantially increase capacity pressure on the on-chip memory hierarchy while requiring fast access. Neither private nor shared caches can provide bot...
Zeshan Chishti, Michael D. Powell, T. N. Vijaykuma...
— Heterogeneous genome-wide data sources capture information on various aspects of complex biological systems. For instance, transcriptome, interactome and phenome-level informat...
Coordination of multiple agents under uncertainty in the decentralized POMDP model is known to be NEXP-complete, even when the agents have a joint set of goals. Nevertheless, we s...
A sensor network consists of sensing devices which may exchange data through wireless communication. A particular feature of sensor networks is that they are highly energy constrai...
Luca Becchetti, Peter Korteweg, Alberto Marchetti-...