ABC is a public-domain system for logic synthesis and formal verification of binary logic circuits appearing in synchronous hardware designs. ABC combines scalable logic transforma...
— Reducing the ever-growing leakage power is critical to power efficient designs. Leakage reduction techniques such as power-gating using sleep transistor insertion introduces la...
Fei Li, Lei He, Joseph M. Basile, Rakesh J. Patel,...
Despite the impressive progress of logic synthesis in the past decade, finding the best architecture for a given circuit still remains an open problem and largely unsolved. In mos...
Traditional FPGA design flows have treated logic synthesis and physical design as separate steps. With the recent advances in technology, the lack of information on the physical ...
- In the speed-independent logic, the hazards caused by input inverters are identified. The known methods of the elimination of such hazards are based on avoiding input inverters. ...