Network processors today consists of multiple parallel processors (microengines) with support for multiple threads to exploit packet level parallelism inherent in network workload...
While general-purpose processors have only recently employed chip multiprocessor (CMP) architectures, network processors (NPs) have used heterogeneous multi-core architectures sin...
: Today’s network processor utilize parallel processing in order to cope with the traffic growth and wire-speed of current and future network technologies. In this paper, we stu...
Carsten Albrecht, Rainer Hagenau, Erik Maehle, And...
This paper proposes a DiffServ-over-MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) architecture and describes the implementation of its functional blocks on Intel IXP2400 Network Processor using In...
Current day network processors incorporate several architectural features including symmetric multi-processing (SMP), block multi-threading, and multiple memory elements to suppor...