A significant opportunity presented by the availability of high-speed network access in the classroom is the ability to collaborate with remote students and mentors. To be success...
Philip L. Isenhour, John M. Carroll, Dennis C. Nea...
Designing computer-based learning environments must account for the context in which activity occurs, the tasks that students perform, and the tools that facilitate these tasks. W...
This paper considers the potential of Virtual Learning Environments in schools focusing on 2 distinct user groups. Firstly, the children and teachers engaged in the learning situat...
Malcolm Padmore, Lynne E. Hall, Bob Hogg, Gareth P...
This paper presents the concept of a collaborative computer integrated classroom (CiC) specially designed to achieve a unique combination of interactive and collaborative software...
Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Andreas Lingnau, Isabel Machad...
We describe the design of tangible interfaces to the KidPad collaborative drawing tool. Our aims are to support the reenactment of stories to audiences, and integration within rea...
Danae Stanton, Victor Bayon, Helen Neale, Ahmed Gh...