In high speed digital circuits, the inductive effect is more dominant compared to capacitive effect. In particular, as the technology is shrinking, the spacing between interconnec...
K. S. Sainarayanan, J. V. R. Ravindra, M. B. Srini...
searchers are now invited to submit abstracts on one or more of the following topics: • Control plane mechanisms, e.g. circuit reservation • Network protocols research, e.g. DC...
A technique for computing the switching activity of synchronous Finite State Machine (FSM) implementations including the influence of temporal correlation among the next state si...
Mikael Kerttu, Per Lindgren, Mitchell A. Thornton,...
Abstract— Human can efficiently grasp and dextrously manipulate various objects using their fingers cooperatively. When they attain proficiency in the rotating manipulation of...
Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio M...
Abstract. We present a detailed workload characterization of a multi-tiered system that hosts an e-commerce site. Using the TPC-W workload and via experimental measurements, we ill...