Abstract. Protein-protein interactions play a major role in most cellular processes. Thus, the challenge of identifying the full repertoire of interacting proteins in the cell is o...
Ariel Jaimovich, Gal Elidan, Hanah Margalit, Nir F...
Abstract. Mapping intra-cellular signaling networks is a critical step in developing an understanding of and treatments for many devastating diseases. The predominant ways of disco...
Derek A. Ruths, Jen-Te Tseng, Luay Nakhleh, Prahla...
: The explosion of highthroughput interaction data from proteomics studies gives us the opportunity to integrate Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) from different type of interacti...
Powell Patrick Cheng Tan, Daryanaz Dargahi, Freder...
Many processes in the cell involve interaction among the proteins and determination of the networks of such interactions is of immense importance towards the complete understanding...
Mudassar Iqbal, Alex Alves Freitas, Colin G. Johns...