–A video-on-demand server must satisfy a large customer base and a diverse archive of movies under changing movie popularity and daily load peaks. These requirements must be sati...
In a Video-on-Demand server, requests from different clients are independent of each other and may arrive at random time. Commercial systems may contain hundreds to thousands of c...
Many real-world applications like Video-On-Demand (VOD) and Web servers require prompt responses to access requests. However, with an explosive increase of data volume and the emer...
In 1989, the RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) group at U. C. Berkeley built a prototype disk array called RAID-I. The bandwidth delivered to clients by RAID-I was seve...
Ann L. Drapeau, Ken Shirriff, John H. Hartman, Eth...
A video streaming proxy server needs to handle hundreds of simultaneous connections between media servers and clients. Inside, every video arrived at the server and delivered from ...