: Mobile processors form a large and very fast growing segment of semiconductor market. Although they are used in a great variety of embedded systems such as personal digital organ...
A novel management layer architecture for mobile grid environments and ad-hoc networks is presented. This paper addresses a key challenge in dynamic mobile environments with a hig...
Joachim Zottl, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Helmut Hlava...
Recently, mobile agents have been proposed for efficient data dissemination in sensor networks [1-6]. In the traditional client/server-based computing architecture, data at multip...
In order to understand the complex physics of mother nature, physicist often use many approximations to understand one area of physics and then write a simulation to reduce these ...
Norbert Podhorszki, Scott Klasky, Qing Liu, Cipria...
Code smells are characteristics of software that indicate that code may have a design problem. Code smells have been proposed as a way for programmers to recognize the need for re...