The concept of the Virtual Software Corporation (VSC) has recently become a practical reality as a result of advances in communication and distributed technologies. However, there...
Humans continuously assess one another's situational context, modify their own affective state, and then respond based on these outcomes through empathetic expression. Virtua...
Scott W. McQuiggan, Jennifer L. Robison, Robert Ph...
Mixed reality systems seek to smoothly link the physical and data processing (digital) environments. Although mixed reality systems are becoming more prevalent, we still do not ha...
A new vision and inertial pose estimation system was implemented for real-time handheld augmented reality (AR). A sparse set of 3D cone fiducials are utilized for scalable indoor...
John Martin Steinbis, William A. Hoff, Tyrone L. V...
We developed an augmented reality (AR) dental training simulator utilizing a haptic (force feedback) device. A number of dental procedures such as crown preparation and opening ac...