In two experiments, subjects traveled through virtual mazes, encountering target objects along the way. Their task was to indicate the direction to these target objects from a ter...
Sarah S. Chance, Florence Gaunet, Andrew C. Beall,...
Short, linear motifs (SLiMs) play a critical role in many biological processes, particularly in protein–protein interactions. Overrepresentation of convergent occurrences of mot...
Norman E. Davey, Richard J. Edwards, Denis C. Shie...
The plenoptic function (Adelson and Bergen, 91) describes the visual information available to an observer at any point in space and time. Samples of the plenoptic function (POF) a...
■ Several recent behavioral studies have shown that the enumeration of a small number of items (a process termed subitizing) depends on the availability of attentional resources...
Background: Molecular interaction networks can be efficiently studied using network visualization software such as Cytoscape. The relevant nodes, edges and their attributes can be...
Kris Laukens, Jens Hollunder, Thanh Hai Dang, Geer...