Cognitive mechanisms are shaped by evolution to match their environments. But through their use, these mechanisms exert a shaping force on their surroundings as well. Here we explo...
Even though wikis helped start the web 2.0 phenomenon, they currently run the risk of becoming outdated. In order to find out what aspects of wikis will survive and how wikis might...
This paper discusses the meaning of the term “information systems engineering”. It does so by giving an account of five notions embedded in the term, hence arriving to a conclu...
Answer set programming (ASP) is a form of declarative programming oriented towards difficult search problems. As an outgrowth of research on the use of nonmonotonic reasoning in k...
Older adults are often encouraged to try new technology by a specific motivator or ,,trigger. Recently, a surprising ,,trigger has emerged - the ,,ash cloud which caused large sca...