Hardware-accelerated direct volume rendering of unstructured volumetric meshes is often based on tetrahedral cell projection, in particular, the Projected Tetrahedra (PT) algorith...
Linear interpolation is the standard image blending method used in image compositing. By averaging in the dynamic range, it reduces contrast and visibly degrades the quality of co...
Mark Grundland, Rahul Vohra, Gareth P. Williams, N...
A fundamental task in artificial intelligence and computer vision is to build machines that can behave like a human in recognizing a broad range of visual concepts. This paper aims...
In this paper we present a new method for locating multiple sound sources using only a local segment of data from a large-aperture microphone array. The result of this work may be...
We present the first aggregate signature, the first multisignature, and the first verifiably encrypted signature provably secure without random oracles. Our constructions derive f...
Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Amit Sahai, Hovav Shac...