Computer-based games and technologies can be significant aids for helping children learn. However, most computer-based games simply address the learning styles of visual and audit...
Brandon Paulson, Brian Eoff, Aaron Wolin, Joshua J...
In this paper we describe the design and initial evaluation of a tangible computer programming exhibit for children on display at the Boston Museum of Science. We also discuss fiv...
Michael S. Horn, Erin Treacy Solovey, Robert J. K....
In this paper we present the results of a comparative study that explores the potential benefits of using embodied ion to help children, aged 7 to 10, learn abstract concepts rela...
Children's difficulty in point-and-click tasks using indirect pointing devices such as the mouse has been documented in several studies. This difficulty is manifested in a la...
Juan Pablo Hourcade, Keith B. Perry, Aditya Sharma