Flash solid state drives (SSDs) provide an attractive alternative to traditional magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs) for DBMS applications. Naturally there is substantial interest in...
In a scheduling game, each player owns a job and chooses a machine to execute it. While the social cost is the maximal load over all machines (makespan), the cost (disutility) of ...
Wireless sensor networks are rapidly finding their way through a plethora of new applications like precision farming and forestry, with increasing network scale, system complexit...
Abstract. We describe a novel approach for constructing a single spanning tree for data aggregation towards a sink node. The tree is universal in the sense that it is static and in...
Srinivasagopalan Srivathsan, Costas Busch, S. Sith...
With increasing process variation, binning has become an important technique to improve the values of fabricated chips, especially in high performance microprocessors where transpa...