Designing videogames involves weaving together systems of rules, called game mechanics, which support and structure compelling player experiences. Thus a significant portion of ga...
Physical play familiar from sports activities is a favorite pastime across all cultures and has been attributed with many social, mental and physical health benefits. However, the...
In recent years the popularity of music and rhythm-based games has experienced tremendous growth. However almost all of these games require custom hardware to be used as input dev...
Jared N. Bott, James G. Crowley, Joseph J. LaViola...
The environment considered in this research is a massive multiplayer online gaming (MMOG) environment. Each user controls an avatar (an image that represents and is manipulated by...
Luis Diego Briceno, Howard Jay Siegel, Anthony A. ...
Existing work on menu techniques has shown linear menus to be less efficient and reliable for menuing tasks when compared to radial menus. With the rise in popularity of 3D spatia...
Dustin B. Chertoff, Ross W. Byers, Joseph J. LaVio...