The Paper presents multimedia system for accessible distant education which consists of multimedia browser accessible for visually impaired people and content distribution streamin...
Efficient hierarchical architectures for reconfigurable and adaptive multi-agent networks require dynamic cluster formation among the set of nodes (agents). In the absence of cen...
— In this paper we demonstrate path planning for our formation space that represents permutation-invariant multirobot formations. Earlier methods generally pre-assign roles for e...
Interchange formats have been the backbone of the EDA industry for several years. They are used as a way of helping the development of design flows that integrate foreign tools us...
Alessandro Pinto, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentel...
Phylogenetic tree searching algorithms often produce thousands of trees which biologists save in Newick format in order to perform further analysis. Unfortunately, Newick is neithe...
Robert S. Boyer, Warren A. Hunt Jr., Serita M. Nel...