With the advance of semiconductor manufacturing, There are many approaches to deal with these problems. EDA, and VLSI design technologies, circuits with even higher Adding discrete...
Abstract. Sensing is at the core of virtually every DDDAS application. Sensing applications typically involve distributed communication and coordination over large self-organized n...
Asad Awan, Ahmed H. Sameh, Suresh Jagannathan, Ana...
The planarization method has proven to be successful in graph drawing. The output, a combinatorial planar embedding of the so-called planarized graph, can be combined with state-o...
One of the central problems in building broad-coverage story understanding systems is generating expectations about event sequences, i.e. predicting what happens next given some a...
The network and distributed systems research communities have an increasing need for “replayable” research, but our current experimentation resources fall short of reaching th...