—We consider a communication channel with two transmitters and one receiver, with an underlying rate region which is approximated as a general pentagon. Different from the Gaussi...
—Recently, the multimedia services such as IPTV, video conference emerges to be the main traffic source. When UDP coexists with TCP, it induces not only congestion collapse but a...
Motivated by service levels in terms of the waiting-time distribution seen in e.g. call centers, we consider two models for systems with a service discipline that depends on the w...
We introduce a new solution technique for closed product-form queueing networks that generalizes the Method of Moments (MoM), a recently proposed exact algorithm that is several o...
: This paper studies the asymptotic behavior of the steady-state waiting time, W∞, of the M/G/1 queue with subexponenential processing times for different combinations of traffi...