Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) and Web Services (WS) provide a flexible computing platform for electronic business and commerce. Introducing policy-based computing to service-or...
Major computer companies and government agencies are adopting Web Services (WS) technology. Web services must ensure interoperability and security, and be reliable and trustworthy...
The power of Web Service (WS) technology lies in the fact that it establishes a common, vendor-neutral platform for integrating distributed computing applications, in intranets as ...
Daniel Elenius, Grit Denker, David Martin, Fred Gi...
This paper provides an overview of the SWARM-BOTS project, a robotic project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Commission. The paper illustr...
Web Services (WS hereafter) Security is a crucial aspect for technologies based on this paradigm to be completely adopted by the industry. As a consequence, a lot of initiatives h...