This paper proposes a generic method for action recognition
in uncontrolled videos. The idea is to use images
collected from the Web to learn representations of actions
and use ...
Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis, R. Gokberk Cinbis, Stan Scla...
In this paper, we present a Deformable Action Template
(DAT) model that is learnable from cluttered real-world
videos with weak supervisions. In our generative model,
an action ...
Labeling image collections is a tedious task, especially
when multiple labels have to be chosen for each image. In
this paper we introduce a new framework that extends state
of ...
Nicolas Loeff, Ali Farhadi, Ian Endres and David A...
In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for partial
intrinsic symmetry detection in 3D geometry. Unlike previous
work, our algorithm is based on a conceptually simple
and st...
Ruxandra Lasowski, Art Tevs, Hans-Peter Seidel, Mi...
Based on scaling laws describing the statistical structure
of turbulent motion across scales, we propose a multiscale
and non-parametric regularizer for optic-flow estimation.
Patrick H´eas, Etienne M´emin, Dominique Heitz, ...
Generally the bag-of-words based image representation
follows a bottom-up paradigm. The subsequent stages of the
process: feature detection, feature description, vocabulary
Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Joost van de Weijer, Maria Van...
We study the task of detecting the occurrence of objects in large image collections or in videos, a problem that combines aspects of content based image retrieval and object locali...
In this paper we aim at reconstructing 3D scenes from images
with unknown focal lengths downloaded from photosharing
websites such as Flickr. First we provide a minimal
Recognition using appearance features is confounded by
phenomena that cause images of the same object to look different,
or images of different objects to look the same. This
Ali Farhadi, Mostafa Kamali Tabrizi, Ian Endres, D...
In this work, we extend a common framework for seeded
image segmentation that includes the graph cuts, ran-
dom walker, and shortest path optimization algorithms.
Viewing an ima...
Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman, Hugues...