We propose a novel probabilistic framework for learning
visual models of 3D object categories by combining appearance
information and geometric constraints. Objects are
This paper proposes a novel descriptor, granularitytunable
gradients partition (GGP), for human detection.
The concept granularity is used to define the spatial and angular
Yazhou Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology), Shigu...
This paper presents an empirical evaluation of the role of
context in a contemporary, challenging object detection task
– the PASCAL VOC 2008. Previous experiments with context...
Alexei A. Efros, Derek Hoiem, James Hays, Martial ...
The accurate localization of facial features plays a fundamental
role in any face recognition pipeline. Constrained
local models (CLM) provide an effective approach to localizati...
Recent work in multiple view geometry has focused on
obtaining globally optimal solutions at the price of computational
time efciency. On the other hand, traditional bundle
Much research effort on Automatic Image Annotation
(AIA) has been focused on Generative Model, due to its
well formed theory and competitive performance as compared
with many we...
Scalable image retrieval systems usually involve hierarchical quantization of local image descriptors, which produces a visual vocabulary for inverted indexing of images. Although ...
Rongrong Ji (Harbin Institute of Technology), Xing...
Burstiness, a phenomenon initially observed in text re-
trieval, is the property that a given visual element appears
more times in an image than a statistically independent
This paper introduces a new shape matching algorithm for computing correspondences between 3D surfaces that have undergone (approximately) isometric deformations. The new approach ...
Art Tevs (Max Planck Institute Informatik), Martin...
Face recognition algorithms need to deal with variable
lighting conditions. Near infrared (NIR) image based face
recognition technology has been proposed to effectively