Insider attacks are a well-known problem acknowledged as a threat as early as 1980s. The threat is attributed to legitimate users who abuse their privileges, and given their famil...
1 In sub-micron technology circuits high integration levels coupled with the increased sensitivity to soft errors even at ground level make the task of guaranteeing systems’ depe...
Paolo Bernardi, Leticia Maria Veiras Bolzani, Maur...
The growing reliance of networked applications on timely and reliable data transfer requires the underlying networking infrastructure to provide adequate services even in the pres...
It is now widely accepted that the CMOS technology implementing irreversible logic will hit a scaling limit beyond 2016, and that the increased power dissipation is a major limiti...
This paper proposes and evaluates strategies to build reliable and secure wireless ad hoc networks. Our contribution is based on the notion of inner-circle consistency, where loca...
Claudio Basile, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K...
Most malicious attacks compromise system security through memory corruption exploits. Recently proposed techniques attempt to defeat these attacks by protecting program control da...
Shuo Chen, Jun Xu, Nithin Nakka, Zbigniew Kalbarcz...
This paper realizes techniques supporting the position that strategies for resource location and discovery in distributed systems should be both perturbation-resistant and overlay...
This paper describes a framework for achieving node-level fault tolerance (NLFT) in distributed realtime systems. The objective of NLFT is to mask errors at the node level in orde...
Ever since the boom of World Wide Web, profiling online users' interests has become an important task for content providers. The traditional approach involves manual entry of...