In this paper we propose an algorithm to estimate missing
values in tensors of visual data. The values can be missing
due to problems in the acquisition process, or because
the ...
Ji Liu, Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter Wonka, Jieping...
The accurate estimation of motion in image sequences is
of central importance to numerous computer vision applications.
Most competitive algorithms compute flow fields
by minimi...
Andreas Wedel, Daniel Cremers, Thomas Pock, Horst ...
This paper proposes a new affine registration algorithm
for matching two point sets in IR2 or IR3. The input point
sets are represented as probability density functions, using
Jeffrey Ho, Adrian Peter, Anand Rangarajan, Ming-H...
In this paper we present a new method for categorizing
video sequences capturing different scene classes. This can
be seen as a generalization of previous work on scene classific...
Paritosh Gupta, Sai Sankalp Arrabolu, Mathew Brown...
For many applications in graphics, design, and human computer interaction, it is essential to understand where humans look in a scene. Where eye tracking devices are not a viable o...
Tilke Judd, Krista Ehinger, Fr´edo Durand, Antoni...
We present a novel representation for modeling textured
regions subject to smooth variations in orientation and
scale. Utilizing the steerable pyramid of Simoncelli and
Freeman ...
We present a robust elastic and partial matching metric
for face recognition. To handle challenges such as pose, facial
expression and partial occlusion, we enable both elastic
This paper introduces an algorithm for detecting walking
motion using point trajectories in video sequences. Given
a number of point trajectories, we identify those which are
One of the main limitations of image search based on
bag-of-features is the memory usage per image. Only a few
million images can be handled on a single machine in rea-
sonable ...
This paper addresses the problem of segmenting lowlevel
partial feature point tracks belonging to multiple motions.
We show that the local velocity vectors at each instant
of th...