This paper introduces an unsupervised color segmentation
method. The underlying idea is to segment the input
image several times, each time focussing on a different
salient part...
Michael Donoser, Martin Urschler, Martin Hirzer an...
Median-shift is a mode seeking algorithm that relies on
computing the median of local neighborhoods, instead of
the mean. We further combine median-shift with Locality
A video sequence of an underwater scene taken from
above the water surface suffers from severe distortions due
to water fluctuations. In this paper, we simultaneously estimate
Human activity recognition is a challenging task, especially
when its background is unknown or changing,
and when scale or illumination differs in each video.
Approaches utilizi...
This paper investigates the design of a system for recognizing
objects in 3D point clouds of urban environments.
The system is decomposed into four steps: locating, segmenting,
Aleksey Golovinskiy, Vladimir G. Kim, Thomas Funkh...
Current state-of-the-art image-based scene reconstruction
techniques are capable of generating high-fidelity 3D
models when used under controlled capture conditions.
However, th...
Jean-Yves Guillemaut, Joe Kilner and Adrian Hilton
In this work we revisit the Mumford-Shah functional, one
of the most studied variational approaches to image segmentation.
The contribution of this paper is to propose an
Thomas Pock, Daniel Cremers, Horst Bischof, Antoni...
In this paper, we consider the problem of recovering the
spatial layout of indoor scenes from monocular images. The
presence of clutter is a major problem for existing singleview...
Advances in object detection have made it possible to
collect large databases of certain objects. In this paper we
exploit these datasets for within-object classification. For
Jania Aghajanian, Jonathan Warrell, Simon J.D. Pri...
We present a novel keyframe selection and recognition
method for robust markerless real-time camera tracking.
Our system contains an ofine module to select features
from a grou...