We present a novel keyframe selection and recognition
method for robust markerless real-time camera tracking.
Our system contains an ofine module to select features
from a grou...
We propose a novel consistent max-covering scheme for
human pose estimation. Consistent max-covering formulates
pose estimation as the covering of body part polygons
on an objec...
We propose a novel framework for contour based object
detection and recognition, which we formulate as a joint
contour fragment grouping and labeling problem. For a
given set of...
ChengEn Lu, Longin Jan Latecki, Nagesh Adluru, Hai...
With the recent efforts made by computer vision researchers,
more and more types of features have been designed
to describe various aspects of visual characteristics.
Modeling s...
Liangliang Cao, Jiebo Luo, Feng Liang, Thomas S. H...
Many machine learning algorithms require the summation of Gaussian kernel
functions, an expensive operation if implemented straightforwardly. Several methods
have been proposed t...
Vlad I. Morariu1, Balaji V. Srinivasan, Vikas C. R...
We present an approach to visual tracking based on dividing a
target into multiple regions, or fragments. The target is represented
by a Gaussian mixture model in a joint feature...
We introduce an algorithm that guides the user to tag
faces in the best possible order during a face recognition assisted
tagging scenario. In particular, we extend the active
Ashish Kapoor, Gang Hua, Amir Akbarzadeh and Simon...
We propose in this paper to unify two different ap-
proaches to image restoration: On the one hand, learning a
basis set (dictionary) adapted to sparse signal descriptions
has p...
Julien Mairal, Francis Bach, Jean Ponce, Guillermo...
A common design of an object recognition system has
two steps, a detection step followed by a foreground withinclass
classification step. For example, consider face detection
Local experts have been used to great effect for fitting deformable
models to images. Typically, the best location in
an image for the deformable model’s landmarks are found